
Wednesday 5 April 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 21

Relatively late start this morning after two decent drives. I made my way down to the Headland for opening time at 8.30...

A lovely fresh morning with plenty of sunshine and a pleasant 18C with a light breeze. Great conditions for a gentle stroll round...seeing what I would see...

Apparently the Hume's Warbler is still present. I gave it a feeble 15 minutes with no sign before continuing my stroll. This would be my last visit of the trip. I was hoping (as always)) for something...different.

The "difference" duly arrived at 9.55...

15 Purple Herons "in off"

As mentioned previously...maybe not a "big deal" to a local, BUT an enormous deal to yours truly; definitely one of the Highlights of the Trip!! What happened next was also fascinating. They circled the Headland constantly (maybe looking for somewhere to land?), drifting off in various directions before returning, sometimes going out over the Sea. They were in view for over an HOUR! It was breathtaking.

The contrast between the birds and the bright sky made for difficult photography but here's a few to give you a flavour of the occasion...

Definitely one of the Highlights of the Trip.

After lunch we headed for Anarita Park...possible Lesser Kestrel, Rock Thrush (optimstic) and Little Owl possibly on offer. None seen in an hour BUT significant compensation was had in the form of this beautiful Whinchat...

Then a message...

LITTLE SWIFT at Phasouri(Akrotiri) Reed-beds from low hide

Only 40 minutes away. Had to be attempted. Got there had an hour no sign...and returned. On return another message...


Again, had to be attempted. sign...and that was that for today. Last full day tomorrow. Heading West again...still time for my Semi-collared Flycatcher?

Maybe a quick look for BCBE early doors?

Trip Total 145

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