
Tuesday 4 April 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 20

 We headed up around 9, arriving at Platres (3,900 feet) around 10.30.We parked by the Trout Farm and I went for a stroll while Louise did her puzzles (the same book she bought at the Airport!). I could immediately hear a Mistle Thrush singing. Try as I may I couldn't see it. Eventually I heard three birds...but saw none. In this micro-climate I was hoping to see other "British" birds to add to my Trip List.

I soon came across a "Cyprus" Coal Tit, a common bird "up here"...and call and looks...

I was contiually "trunk checking" for ST Treecreeper...makes a change from "reed checking"! Next a Chaffinch...

It was like being back home...well, not quite. Then...the familiar alarm call of...a Blackbird! There's a limited number of Species available but looking for them is fun.

I returned to the car park and started to survey the Trout Farm. The bird that always springs to mind is...

Grey Wagtail

This was probably my only shot at this Species so I was relieved to pick it up so quickly. I then walked around the back of the building and stood in the shade for a while...

I was hoping for a Wren...and I got one...blasting out its powerful song. I then noticed a movement in a tall tree...

Not something you see every day...

We then continued skywards to Troodos Village (4845 feet). It was a beautiful day. We decided to head here due to the forecast of 26C on the Coast. It was 17C here so the plan had worked...partly. There was a much stronger wind than had been suggested!!

While not spoiling the Birding "on top", it certainly affected it. We decided to head for a sheltered picnic site for lunch...hopefully...

It wasn't too bad. As we settled down to enjoy our lunch a bird perched on a fence...

Masked Shrike

As you can odd pic, due to the fact I'd not changed my settings from last nights Scops Owl outing! I left Louise to read and headed for the Botanical Gardens just a mile down the road. After around 10 minutes I picked up 3 Crag Martins circling...the Crag! I also heard another Mistle Thrush. I returned to the Picnic area and slowly drove the tracks hoping to pick up the Shrike again as I figured it was "on territory". Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the jewel on a small branch...

Basking in the sun

As already mentioned, the brightness here is amazing and can change the appearance of Birds. Fortunately the Bird remained for some 5 minutes, allowing me to get a better shot from the car...

I'd achieved my target of seeing a Migrant (at Cape Greco) and a Bird on its Breeding grounds. We returned to Troodos Village and had a coffee, Louise remained for a wine and I started my rounds of the Village...more trunk watching...more failure! I couldn't even find a Jay. I returned to the Cafe/Bar at 5 before returning to my search. The wind was even stronger by now. I then saw a couple of Jays on a bin!

The camera wouldn't "grab". As I approached the Village centre again I saw another...this time it did...

I worked hard for this one. Still no STT. More Swifts were appearing as 6 approached. I had another 4 definite Pallids. Another bird flew swiftly into a nearby tree...


Looks slightly...different? Larger "billed"?

Finished off with a Cyprus Wheatear which Louise found by the car, while I was in the bushes! So, 8 new birds and 3 dips...

Short-toed Treecreeper

Considering the near Gale force wind I was happy with my haul. Another great day...which got even better late evening...

The Yellow-browed Warbler I saw on the Headland has been re-identified on call as a Hume's...a FIRST for Cyprus no less!

Trip Total 144

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