
Thursday 6 April 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 22

Be another running Post today as we cover the Western end of the Island. Firstly though, I'm out looking for Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters! I'm trying the area where three were seen yesterday afternoon. I drove the Coast as much as possible on the way down...

Gave it till joy.

Off to Theletra now to try for Long-legged Buzzard.

11am Update

Finally found the spot. Following in the footsteps of Gosney...

As we arrived a LLB flew across...too fast for a pic but a great view. Just had another view way up high.

A message...


No...I won't be going.

3pm Update

Found another Flycatcher! The power of suggestion is strong. Immediate thoughts were Semi-collared, probably more in hope than judgement! After mulling it over and sharing BOC with a few pals...alas, I feel it's a Pied. In my defence I don't have much/any experience with this it's a Lifer! Trip tick though...

Just going to find a SCF now...


Back at the Ranch. No SCF but great views (no pic) of another LLB. The Collared Flycatcher remained in the same area...

Out with friends tonight before last session tomorrow. Still time...

Trip Total 146

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