
Monday 3 April 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 19

Something different today as I'll be back late. Thought I'd do a "running" diary...

I'm back at Lake Paralimni (7.20) and I've just connected with yet another Rarity! This time it's a MENETRIES WARBLER, the Sixth record for Cyprus. Remarkably I saw it in the same "pit" as the DIEDERIK CUCKOO.

Onto Cape Greco now...

1.30 Update

First bird I saw as I took the track to the Sea Caves was my first Masked Shrike...

By the Caves I saw Cyprus and Spectacled Warbler. I took a walk and glad I did as I found a Tawny Pipit...

On the way out a Lesser Kestrel lingered just long enough for an ID.

I checked out a couple of Flycatcher sites and scored with my second Collared by the Visitor Centre.

Onto the Larnaca Sites now...

Tried the Salt Lake first. This time 6 Slender-billed Gulls were present, albeit distantly in the heat haze. 

Then a message...

Probable MOURNING WHEATEAR at Mandria on Larks Corner

The day out East was curtailed and I headed pronto back West. 90 minutes later I was back at Mandria. Fortunately the bird was still present in the "magic" ploughed field (same one as the Collared Pratincole was in). It kept its distance but stood out like a sore thumb in the bright sunshine...

I'm trying for Cyprus Scops Owl at Dusk. I've had worse days.

I'll tidy things up later now I'm "back over".

9pm - Brief summary as rather tired aka knackered...happy though. I made the journey for the Owl. I'd only been there 5 minutes when they struck up. At least three birds calling. I walked up a steep road near the dead tree...and...

...I was amazed to SEE it behind the dead tree stump. It didn't fly off immediately, allowing me to get some sort of image.

Troodos tomorrow...

Trip Total 136

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