
Sunday 2 April 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 18

Had a couple of hours down at the Archeological Site first thing. Doors opened early which was a result. Belated news (to me) of a Yellow-browed Warbler seen again yesterday. Rumours it had been present TWO WEEKS!? I followed the "blue dot" left on map by a helpful Birder. I gave the area an hour but no sign of the bird...

A couple joined me and I mentioned what I was looking for. "Oh... you're in the wrong place"! If you recall this is the second time this has happened. Never mind. I thanked her and moved on. I followed her directions and sure enough I found "the tree" it was being seen in...

After another 20 minutes a few more hopefuls appeared. One pleasant guy I'd met before suggested he'd go around the other side and give me a shout if he saw it. Made sense. Sure enough some 10 minutes later...he found it. I made  y way round (rather hastily) and luckily it remained in the same area for a good 5 minutes. I even managed a pic...

Wasn't on the short list. Less than 20 records for Cyprus apparently. Another nice bonus.

I returned to our place flushed with success and we then headed for Akrotiri. I dropped Louise off at "My Mall" and Birded the top end of Lady's Mile for 90 minutes, while she had a good look around the shops...fair enough.

I had no intention of driving any distance, so I checked out the first pool. Even though it was Sunday there were some waders present. I parked adjacent to them and was please to see Spotted first...

Also present were 5 smaller birds. At first glance they suggested Ruff...but the bils were too long. Be gentle with me, I don't see many Marsh Sandpipers...

After the mandatory Costa we headed fro Phasouri Reedbed for the rest of the afternoon. No new ticks (which isn't the prerequisite) just a quality Birding experience in a superb setting and glorious weather...

Wood Sandpiper

Spur-winged Plover

Cattle Egret

I gave him my and all!

A wonderful place...

Last blast out East tomorrow...

Trip Total 128

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