
Saturday 1 April 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 17

I wanted a long morning at Agia Varvara and today I got it...

Things started brilliantly as I heard a Great Spotted Cuckoo as I pulled up. A bit of early morning fumbling meant I wasn't quick enough for a pic. Fortunately one lingered long enough for me to get one...

Really pleased to connect with this Special bird... only took me TWO weeks! Other Species seen included...

Little Egret...

Purple Heron

Purple Heron into the sun. Splayed toes and angled neck keel both apparent.


I covered most areas in the 3 hours I was there (8-11). I even had a walk down to the bridge...

...and was rewarded with views of a pair of Peregrines under the bridge...


The size difference between the sexes was definitely apparent here......


Sardinian Warblers are common on Cyprus but are very "skittish".  This one was a bit slow this morning...

I recorded 25 species.

I then moved onto Anarita Park, which is just a mile or so up the road. First bird I saw was this Corn Bunting, a fairly common species on Cyprus in the right habitat...

I was hoping I might find a Lesser Kestrel as they arrive around now...if not before. I didn't have any luck but I did see this stunner...

I see a white-backed Wheatear...suggesting Finsch's? I'd seen Eastern Black-eared (dark-throated) already. This pale-throated threw me completely...I'm a bit rusty! The brilliant light and angle of the bird had me puzzled. Still learning and happy to do so...

A cracker whatever!

As I was leaving another/the same Wheatear landed on the path in front of me. This time the light wasn't as dazzling...


The afternoon was split between Aspro' Dam and Mandria. Nothing else to report except Louise got her Prosecco on the Beach!

A Yellow-browed Warbler has been seen at the Archaeological Site. It was found yesterday and I did have a stab late afternoon. I was in the right spot but no luck. I'm having another go tomorrow. Who'd have thought it?

Trip Total 125

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