
Friday 31 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 16

We decided (OK I decided) to head West today, back to the Baths of Aphrodite. My reasoning being, it's the closest headland (1hr) to Paphos...and I prefer it to Cape Greco (2.5 hrs). My quest to "find my own" Flycatchers continues.

We left at 8 and headed for Evretou Dam. I'd visited this Site on previous trips. We managed a coffee on the way at Giolou...

On reaching the Reservoir with the usual combo of Google Maps and Gosney we found ourselves at yet another magnificent overlook...

It was quiet "Birdwise" but we had a pleasant hour enjoying the stunning scenery.

We then continued towards the B of A but did a detour along the road we'd used previously between Androlikou and Neo Chorio...scene of our Goshawk success. We stopped again by the Goat Farm...

I'd seen a post from Matt Smith saying he'd "had" a couple of Semi-collared Flycatchers around here a few days previous. We decided to linger here and have some lunch...

As you can see it was a small area of isolated trees fringed by a small stream...

I''d only been looking a few minutes when I got a brief view of a Black and White bird! At last!!! After no Flycatchers in 17 and 18 today was to be enjoyed to the FULL. The next hour or so was truly special as I enjoyed my self found Collared Flycatcher...

I just can't follow that. Goodnight!

Trip Total 124

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