
Monday 6 March 2023


Can't's pretty grim here at the moment. I'll spare you the details, suffice to say I'm deep into Cyrpus 23 planning from the Armchair. I'm not complaining...just dreaming!!

I'll post a pre-trip outline of my intentions and strategy before I leave next Tuesday. I wish it was THIS Tuesday!

Yesterday I braved the Coast with a walk from Cliff Farm to Old Hive. The Sea is "dead" at the moment and there's not much interest on the Land either. I needed some inspiration and found it in the form of two hardy Stonechats around Old Hive. As I was trying...and failing, to get some photos, a truck appeared and parked by them....sending them elsewhere! Once the Fisherman had sorted himself out and disappeared over the crumbling Cliff (rather him than me) I had an idea (I get them now and again). So, positioning myself behind the truck...I waited...with my friend of course.

Eventually the pair returned and with time and my legendary patience, I got my pics. The Camera didn't like the poor light...

..but adjusted as usual...

Always good value. I thanked them for their cooperation and brightening up yet another dull day...

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