
Friday 3 March 2023

A Tale of Two Sites

JUST managed to make the 8am deadline this morning, to reach Duff' Car Park and meet my pal Haydn...after a few warm up problems!

He was already scanning the area as I pulled up. After a brief chat we headed out to the Platform, an area he hadn't been previously. He told me he'd already had Bullfinch (which I needed for the Year), so I was keen to have a look around on our return. He then called "Grey Partridge"...(65) I just managed to catch the back end of the second bird for a dubious Year Tick!  A lovely bp Reed Bunting sat in the hedge  and sang briefly.

As we approached the GSH I noticed a few Birds were present around the bushes near the Feeding Station. One was the/a Willow Tit!An impressive assortment of Birds were present, the wind had dropped and there was no hint of rain, although the grey blanket was much in evidence...again! Song Thrush (66) was also added to the YL. We'd decided to give it half an hour in case the Hen Harrier didn't. As I was chatting to Haydn, again I noticed some movement to the side of the Hide. "Treecreeper" he called.."no Two"! On our way back to our cars Haydn heard a Bullfinch (67). After distant views of a female we picked up a male also...

A distant, dark record shot!

We headed for "Skippy". It was now 9.15. Woodlark was the target and with Haydn's knowledge of his Patch, I was fairly confident we would "score". We walked Sands Lane first and he heard a couple distantly but we couldn't locate them. We then walked to the "Bomb Bays" but no luck there. However, we did have cracking views of a Green Woodpecker.. Haydn picked it up in the top of a tree at c80yds...

Fortunately after spending some time on the ground... flew closer, landing on a small bare sapling...

Really chuffed to see this Species as they're a Rarity where I live. A second bird (pair?) was then picked up distantly by Haydn...

He was chuffed with this second bird, as it had been quite a while since he'd seen two at one time.

Around 11 we headed back to Duff for another session. Still no HH but we had an enjoyable couple of hours before departing at 1. Highlights apart from the usual fayre were...

Little Grebe 3/4
Marsh Harrier 2cc
Red Kite 2
Curlew 11
Golden Plover c 150
Song Thrush 2
A great morning in great company sharing some fine birds...

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