
Wednesday 8 March 2023


In an effort to enjoy the Reserve before my Trip I popped over again for a few hours yesterday. A tad more shelter than the Coast!!! Arriving around 9.30, a grilling of the bushes produced very little except for this lone Fieldfare in the treetops...

 Opening the flap lifted the spirits...

The Mute Swan pair are still sorting out the nest site on the "scrape"?...

I shared the time between both hides as it was rather ...fresh! The highlight was undoubtedly the Raptor Show. I had 4 Marsh Harriers and a Peregrine enjoying the early afternoon sunshine simultaneously. Wonderful!!!

Latterly boosted by a dashing Merlin (68) "fly-through". Still a nice assortment of Wildfowl and Waders on show also. I aim to make a couple more visits before I leave.


Pintail c120
Lapwing c1000
Curlew 35
Ruff 15
Dunlin c200
Redshank 19
Cormorant 5
Marsh Harrier 4
Red Kite
Buzzard 2
Merlin - male
Redwing 10
Fieldfare 40

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