
Saturday 25 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 10

 Must remember the Clocks go forward tonight. Means I can Bird sooner tomorrow.

A slower day today after yesterdays (exciting) madness. We left the apartment at 9 and arrived at Agia Varvara 30 minutes later. Baillon's Crake was the Target Bird. I'd checked with Colin Richardson (the finder) as to which of the three nearer pools he'd seen it on. He kindly replied that it was the nearest from the road.

I set up my scope and started to scan. A lone Green Sandpiper was my first of the Trip. A Black-headed Wagtail was also present briefly. A Birder appeared, it was Alan Crane who stays in Mandria. He gave me some useful information on the Site, which was much appreciated. He was also looking for the BC. After he left another Birder appeared and walked up the pools. When he returned he told me he'd had a brief view of a Crake that he considered to be a female Little. I thanked him and made my way to an area I could view the spot from. After some 30 minutes I got a brief but unsatisfying glimpse. I to thought Little Crake female. I didn't see it again. However, I DID add Reed Bunting (male)...a BIG surprise, as they are scarce on Cyprus.

Zitting Cristicola is a common bird here and can be frequently heard "zitting"around. Getting a good view of one can be difficult. Today I got lucky when one perched long enough, and close enough, for me to get a decent photo...

A Kingfisher then zipped past. I guess if you stand somewhere long enough you'll eventually see something. My Mantra for the Trip...most of the time!

Time for our picnic lunch. It was another beautiful day (21C) as we sat in the shade of an Acacia. The relaxation was quelled when I received a message from Jonathan...

Collared Pratincole at Larks Corner, Mandria. 

Would it wait for me? We were there in no time and as I turned the corner I could see Jonathan talking to what turned out to be a couple from Yorkshire! Another couple appeared to be looking at the bird in the ploughed field. They gave me directions and I could then see it distantly...

After a short while it took off (which I was hoping for) and started to fly around the area calling...

I managed a half decent pic...

Collared Pratincole

A superb Bird and one I was hoping to just catch at the end of my trip (April 7th). eBird reports show they turn up in early April, so this one is early and a much welcome bonus for me. Handy also. It flew around for a while longer then it was gone. Bird of the far.

The Yellow Wagtails had also arrived in force. Many races present, a mind-boggling array of plumages. I just enjoyed them in the afternoon sunshine...while Louise had a large Sauvignon Blanc at the Beach Bar. Everyone was happy!


Then a surprise. A couple of Mediterranean (Lesser) Short-toed Larks briefly, close by the car. A Cyprus tick! A few tour companies had arrived. A shout went up...SANDGROUSE! A fast disappearing bird was just about captured in the heat haze...

I rejoined Louise at the Beach Bar and we then left for Agia Varvara once again for a second stab at the Baillon's. As I arrived, so did one of the groups (Heatherlea). The leaders were sound and they told me if they saw anything they'd let me know, although I would prefer to find it myself. Despite a good hours searching of all three pools the bird wasn't seen. A Sedge Warbler was though, for another Trip tick...

Half a dozen or so Alpine Swifts zoomed overhead, some coming quite low over the water, giving fantastic views. Far too fast for me to get a pic though! The group moved on and I gave it till 5.30 before leaving. A bonus Long-legged Buzzard (another first) over the car as we left, completed another great day on the Island.

I have some more photos to share (not too many). For example; from my Trip to Cape Greco. I may fit them in here or share them on return. After's the Birding that matters most...right. With the exception of the good lady of course!

Trip Total 108

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