
Sunday 26 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 11

Summer time is least in Cyprus! Apologies to folks back home.

Phil picked me up just after 8 and we entered the Archaeological Site as it opened at half-past. Very quiet both bird and people wise today. A Purple Heron flew over just before we went in and was one of the highlights of the session. A nice early addition. We covered a fair area again; not bad for two Pensioners!

The most productive area was the ruins below the Lighthouse...

where we had Blue Rock Thrush...

and Eastern Black-eared Wheatear...

...virtually side by side! While Phil was waiting for another opportunity to photograph the Eastern Sub-Alpine Warbler we saw on our previous visit (it didn't show or had  moved on)I had a stroll along an adjacent path. I spotted a bird some 80 yds away in a bush that looked "different". It appeared to have a reddish throat? It was only there for a minute but I managed a couple of shots. Glad I did, as later scrutiny revealed the bird was indeed a Wryneck...

A decent spot...even though I say so myself lol!

After lunch Louise and I drove up to Asprokremmos Dam...

Another attempt to "get" my Flycatcher/s. Still no luck there BUT I did get great views and a decent pic of an Eastern Bonelli's Warbler in the Woods...

The flycatching behaviour of this species helps locate/identify it but it's a VERY active bird, so I was pleased with this effort.

Next onto Mandria Beach Bar where Louise had a glass of wine and I had a brief Seawatch. Nothing was seen. I also had a drive around Lark's Corner where I saw yesterdays Collared Pratincole. The field was also full of Yellow Wagtails. None today, as the field had settled after being ploughed!

We finished off at Anarita Park which was more Birdy than on our last visit but nothing new was added. Nice to see more Wheatears and a lovely Cretzschmar's Bunting in the sun. Unfortunately all the birds were in front of the car on a narrow track, so no photos were obtained. I was hoping for an early Lesser the one on Scilly!!!

A transitional day with the clock change. Nearly half-time now, so time to concentrate on new Sites and Species. We're heading West for the first time tomorrow to try the Baths of Aphrodite...maybe I'll get my SEMI-COLLARED FLYCATCHER there?

Trip Total 111

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