
Friday 24 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 9...DIEDERIK CUCKOO

 Woke before the alarm, which is usual when I'm excited! This meant I left the apartment at 3.30am. I sailed through to Lake Paralimni (112 miles/2 hours) and found the spot I'd been given by Matt Smith and Colin Richardson. It was approaching 6 as I started to walk the pavement along the edge of the Lake. My first thought was how much water was in it this Spring. I can remember walking out into the middle of it in 17 and 18 for Caspian Plover and Citrine Wagtail.

There was no-one else around which didn't concern me initially as I was a tad early. The weather was fair if a little cool but I had decent attire and things were fine. Much scanning of the Tamarisks ensued. I walked up and down checking all bushes for a good quarter of a mile. The usual dog walkers, joggers and walkers were in evidence and I got a few strange looks as well as the odd good morning/kalimera.

By 6.45 I was beginning to wonder. Surely someone else would be trying for this MEGA bird? I messaged Matt Smith to see if he'd arrived yet. I was sure I was at the right spot given the co-ordinates. It passed 7 and no sign of the bird, any other Birders or a reply from Matt.

7.15...a Tweet...DIEDERIK CUCKOO relocated!!!


This time I rang Matt. I'm never totally convinced by codes when abroad but it started ringing...and he answered. He was here and he'd seen it! A muddled conversation ensued as we tried to determine my location in relation to his. Eventually I suggested we met back at the main road by the shop Beauty Line as I figured he'd know where that was. He did and I set off. As I was making my way there a car appeared at a junction, it was Matt! A quick U-turn and U I was following him back to "the spot".

On arrival 6 Birders were present, 2 of which had connected. I thanked Matt for taking the time to come and get me and we started to walk to where they had seen it. He told me it had been calling frequently which gave me some optimism. 20 tense minutes past and there was no further sign of the CUCKOO.

Then Matt heard it (my hearing isn't the best) and we crossed the street to scan. The area was a mixture of housing and rough land with plenty of bushes and shallow pools. At least three Bluethroats were first.

A bird flew straight and was the DIEDERIK CUCKOO!!! A flight view only but better than no view. The small group followed in the direction it flew but it had disappeared again. Another call and this time it landed on a wire...


I wasn't expecting that...but I'll take it. It flew again and disappeared...again. At 8.05 one of the group found it in one of the "pits". Unfortunately it was in the far corner amongst some branches...

You can see more detail and colour here including the red eye. I was hoping for better but to be honest the fact I'd SEEN it was enough. I was elated!!! A second for Cyprus and only the fifth record for the whole of the Western Palearctic! I'd never heard of it before. An African species with a widespread distribution over most of the Continent. It's also found in the Southern Arabian Peninsular. The previous Cyprus record was in 1982. Following on so quickly from the BLACK-BELLIED SANDGROUSE I'm thinking my luck is definitely IN. 

A few admirers drifted away (maybe to work) but Matt remained trying to re-locate it with me. I'd messaged Jonathan Wasse and I was pleased to see he'd appeared and connected. It called and appeared again, clinging onto a metal rod...

Not wanting to dismiss other Species, here's a pic of a Wood Sandpiper in one of the pits we passed...

...and a distant first...

Back to the Star Bird.

It was now nearing 9. We relocated it on call once again in a different area. It had the uncanny knack of staying partially hidden but we kept our distance and just enjoyed the views we had...

It was gorging on Caterpillars of which there were plenty...

A remarkable occurrence...the effort had been worthwhile...

I was the last to leave at 10.30. I then remembered that Jane Stylianou (Cyprus Bird Recorder) had given me a couple of Sites for Audouin's Gull in the area. Mindful I had to return to Paphos as I'd used up all my credit with Louise, I quickly headed for the first site at Trinity Beach...

No joy. Onto Kermia Beach near Ayia Napa. I'd had trouble finding access here but with Jane's excellent directions I manage to find the car park and the path. I walked East behind the Hotel and I could see a few Gulls on the rocks!? 

Never presume! It was overcast now but I was reasonably confident. Eventually I was close enough to get a decent look...

An excellent bonus to the trip. Quite a morning!

An elegant Gull

Flushed with success I cruised back to Paphos hardly noticing the journey. The day belonged to the CUCKOO though...

Trip List 102

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