
Thursday 2 March 2023

Here and There

3 hours (10- 1) at NDC yesterday. Nice to have a ride out via Hull of course. A bitter NE blow on the Coast, so it made sense (at least to me) to "head for the hut". As I exercised the lad around the car park and platform...

...a Red-legged Partridge (64) exploded form the path. My initial thought was that could be my only tick was...although a fly-by of a pair whilst in the hide enhanced the addition. A steady session enjoying the Wildfowl and Waders which were shook up now and again by the resident pair of Peregrines!

Several squalls made viewing difficult, especially as the wind direction meant the rain blew into the Hide at times. A brief visit from a visiting Birder added some interest to the session. It was his first visit and he was very impressed.

Slow day today with nothing of note seen on the sea. Back over early tomorrow for a long morning with Haydn. I'm hoping he can find me a Woodlark or two on "Skippy"? Maybe I can reciprocate with the Hen Harrier at Duff!

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