
Wednesday 22 February 2023

Hope Springs Eternal

Decent number of species singing/displaying now...which is nice. Still VERY early days but I'll take anything in February! This time next week we'll be in March. "White Rabbits" and all that. In 3 weeks we'll be in Cyprus...well Louise and I will!!!

Today is the first day I've started to plan my Trip. Having been a few times I like to think I've got the idea by now. I've also got some decent contacts and made some friends on previous visits, which will enhance the experience no doubt. There are still a few Species I "need". One example would be lucking in on migrating Demoiselle Cranes (rarer in Spring). I will be trying hard for this experience as I did for Magnificent Frigatebird in Texas last Spring..if you recall? Wouldn't complain if I found a GREAT BLACK-HEADED GULL (I am aware of the new name) either!

My main aim is "self-found" although I'm not averse to sneaking a view of the odd Rarity when appropriate!

Cyprus ticks many boxes for me (if you'll pardon the pun)...

Nice Weather
No high Temps or Humidity
Access is easy
No language issues
No jabs 
No risks
No long drives wasting time - Longest being a couple of hours to Cape Greco and Troodos. That's "round the corner" in Texas terms!

Oh and some great Birds with a decent chance of a few surprises during the excellent Migration.

We'll be based in Paphos again, which gives easy access to many of the best Sites in the West and Centre of the Island...and MUCH more importantly has all the "mod-cons" for Louise!!! The Motorway is excellent and very quiet (hardly any lorries) and the Larnaca area (which has some excellent Sites) is only 90 minutes away.

That'll do for now. Wherever you're going this year...make sure you have a great time. We ALL deserve it!

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