
Saturday 25 February 2023

Cold Snap...Again!

It IS still February!

Three hour "sesh" Thursday morning at Duff on my way to me Mum's...

Prawn Sandwich Brigade at the Pack Horse, Bury

 I popped to Skipwith first though but still couldn't locate a Woodlark...

Highlights at NDC were...close views of this Peregrine on a kill by Garganey Hide. Many thanks to a visiting Birder for alerting me to it...

Redshank and Curlew numbers are now in double figures but still no Oystercatcher. Still plenty of Raptor sightings with 3 Marsh Harriers and 2 Red Kites.No luck with the lingering Hen Harrier though.

Brass monkeys here this am with a strong Northerly present. This singing Greenfinch in next doors garden made me feel humble though...

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