
Monday 20 February 2023

Black-throated Thrush

 A message from Phil last night tempted me to try for a double/treble at Wyekham today. I left at 7.30 and arrived just before 10. Yorkshire is a BIG County! Phil had already seen the Thrush and was at the Viewpoint hoping for Goshawk. I decided to join him, figuring the BTT would be present all day? Hopefully not a "Schoolboy error"!

I was surprised to see only one other Birder present was I joined him. It was a VERY windy day but the Watchpoint area was reasonably sheltered...thankfully. Phil informed me that the other Birder had had a sighting which gave hope. We were then joined by Gary Dayes and Stuart Griffiths, it was good to see them both. Tim Isherwood then arrived with his wife...and dog, followed shortly afterwards by Steve Webb. Quite a gathering. After another 20 minutes or so Gary picked a bird up that gave decent mid-range views, if only briefly, Phil managed to get a few pics and it appeared to be a young bird...

This area is good for Crossbill and eventually a juvenile perched close enough and long enough for me to get a pic...

A couple more extreme (and unsatisfactory) distance sightings were had before we left to try for the BTT at Noon. We drove the short distance down the track, parked up. Phil walked up to my car and said the group (c40) looked as if they were "interested". I was halfway through my ham sandwich and crisps and said I'd follow on shortly. Luckily I changed my mind as the bird showed well briefly before flying back from the field into the trees. A young lad miraculously picked it out in the top of a tall conifer, allowing decent scope views before it flew off once more. The bird flew around the large field perching a couple of time briefly before disappearing around 1 and wasn't seen again all afternoon!?

Black-throated Thrush

This was my 4th record for Britain, having remarkably seen two fairly close together in the Midlands in the Winter of 1996 at Webheath and Werrington respectively. Both these individuals were in small house gardens. I also saw the Buckton individual for my Yorkshire tick. It's quite an upright stately looking Thrush, whilst not being a "stunner"'s still a fine Thrush and a rare one at that!!

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