
Thursday 19 January 2023

Winter Wonderland

Few things on tomorrow and the Weekend, so as it was another spectacularly cold, clear and crisp Winter's day, I headed for Duff. A nice walk out onto the viewing platform for starters...

Then onto the fridge aka Geoff Smith Hide...

I'm biased but there aren't many better natural views from a Hide than this, in my book...

The water was 90% frozen but there were birds about, including a fine party of 13 Whooper Swans (5 juveniles) which were present throughout and added to the setting significantly. A Stonechat bobbed about in the reeds. Then a Greenfinch appeared and landed in a bush on the scrape...

An unusual occurrence

...other additions here were
Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit and Cormorant.

Plenty of birds understandably feeding on or around the River creating quite a spectacle when they had a stretch...

The stars of today's show though were the Swans. I made my way down to Garganey Hide (which was even colder!) hoping to get closer to them...and eventually they arrived...

There were still a few Thrushes around but much reduced from previous visits, no doubt due to the frozen ground. "One of each" landed briefly by Garganey...managed one...

I returned to GS Hide for my last hour and I was rewarded with an unusually close fly-by Marsh Harrier...

I did have a brief visit on Monday afternoon as Louise had to go to York. As dusk approached and I was waiting for the show, a Birder at the other end of the Hide casually mentioned there was a Kingfisher fishing from a post right in front of the Hide...

Water colour!

My closest ever view here.

I did catch the beginning of the show before I had to pick Louise up...

Year List 55

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