
Wednesday 18 January 2023


Another fresh one today. -3 on entering the car at 7,45. I decided to warm up in the car with an early run down Snakey. No Barn Owls or Thrushes as I turned at the Patrington end for a second run and a stretch for Bud. 

I parked up at one of my regular vantage points and began to scan the fields. I was hoping for Partridges BUT I got something MUCH better. There were quite a few Black-headed Gulls patrolling the fields but a distant, distinctive shape had me scrambling for my camera...

I like to think this was my reward for scraping the ice off the car...

Ring-tail Hen Harrier (H.35)

After a Couplands breakfast (just to keep warm you understand) I headed for the Sewage and walked South to the Llama Farm. No sign of any Snow Buntings but I added Meadow Pipit (H.36) to the Year List. A small flock of Wigeon (P.55, H.37) flew South as I reached the car. 

Around 2 I was planning to walk the Cliff when a message came through informing me an Iceland Gull had been seen from the Seawatching Hide at Spurn. Why not? I parked up at the Bluebell and we walked South along the shore. A BIG bonus came in the form of a passing flock of Snow Buntings (P.57) flying North along the beach. 14 birds in total. Alas, I had less luck with the Gull. A bracing walk though...

My mate kept an eye on things...

Returning along Easington straight I noticed the mixed Swan herd was reasonably close to the road ...

Half an hour at dusk at Model Farm failed to produce any emerging Barn Owls but a flock of around 200 Pink-footed Geese (P.56, H.38) heading for the Humber was adequate compensation.

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