
Monday 23 January 2023

Pat' Haven

Fancied a good walk this afternoon..with no mud or pot-holed tracks! So, I headed down to Patrington Haven, parked up and walked out to the Pumping Station...

Memories of IVORY GULL

On the way down I checked out the new scrapes that have been created...

All still frozen today but much potential for the future. When I reached the Humber I was pleased to see a bench had been placed there, so I had a pleasant hour just watching the World go by. The sun was out and there was little wind. It was also "slightly" warmer. Good for contemplation! I'm not sure my companion agreed...

I had a decent, if fairly distant view across onto Welwick Marsh. I "had" a Barn Owl and a male Marsh Harrier but no sign of any Hen Harriers or SEO's.

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