
Saturday 28 January 2023


 More grey blanket this morning I'm afraid. Still it wasn't least to start with! I weaved my way down the dodgy road to the car park. As I passed the Church I noticed a large herd of Swans along a track West of the road...

Taken later from the car park

The birds were happily munching away on the brassicas present. Using the car as a hide, I was able to get some decent shots...

Then a Raptor...and not just any old Raptor...a Hen Harrier...

A couple of atmosphere aka poor pics! The bird never came close and the light was my defence!? I parked up on the floodbank and watched for a good hour. I had further views of the HH plus Marsh Harrier, Merlin and Peregrine. Plenty of Plovers around also with a mixed flock that easily passed 500...

Out on the water were impressive numbers of Shelduck...

...and a few Pintail...

Quality sighting of the morning though was undoubtedly the magnificent Whooper Swans (47)...

On the way home I spotted a small group of Geese at the beginning of Rysome Rd. The group included a Canada Goose (P.60, H.41) a couple of Heinz 57's....and Greylag (H.42) of course! I'll take it as a Year Tick...

I'll also take a dashing Merlin (P.61, H.43) on Snakey on the detour to Tesco late afternoon!

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