
Saturday 28 January 2023

Partridge Families

Yesterday I spent the first hour down at Skeffling again...but no Harriers...or anything else of note for that matter...until......

Black Brant

Really chuffed to pick it out among the various groups of Brents. Although it IS rather distinctive!

On the way home I drove down Snakey, as I often do. 27th of January and no Partridges on the Year List. A flurry of birds in the stubble...

Sneaked a slightly closer one...

Grey Partridge (P.59, H.44)

Like Buses...

Red-legged Partridge (P.60, H.45)

Plenty of Yellowhammers (H.46) and Chaffinches (H.47) about and the Winter Thrush flock is still in residence. Belated additions! A late afternoon stroll revealed c20 Red-throated Divers offshore and a distant Stonechat (H.48) was still lingering by the Runnel...

Today started with a stiff walk up to Mill Hill from Cliff Farm via Old Hive. Nothing much was seen on the outward stroll. On returning to Old Hive a Stonechat suddenly appeared and started feeding on the grass...

Another flock of Winter Thrushes landed in the Copse...

A small skein of Pink-footed Geese headed North/Home?


As I was down the South end I decided to try for the Snow Buntings at the Gas Terminal. I tried North of the field to start with but no joy. I then tried further South and walked the coastal path as I could look down onto the beach...

I declined the Fisherman's cut out "kamikaze" path and viewed from above. Despite their superb camouflage I managed to locate them...

14 of 16 present

They were around 50 yds away for around 5 minutes before flying off South...

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