
Wednesday 25 January 2023


A few things to do in Hull today, so I continued on to Duff for a 3 hour "sesh". Cloud cover was dense making for a dull outlook but always a pleasure. We had our traditional stroll out to the platform...

Always protective...

The open water was still 2/3rd's frozen which limited the birds present. Still there was still plenty to enjoy...especially Raptors. The first of which was a cc Marsh Harrier feeding on an expired Goose...

Then a familiar shape out on the ice...



Oh yes!

Can't remember seeing two birds so close here before?

They gave a few dramatic flybys scattering all and sundry. Three Marsh Harriers were present, plus 4 Buzzards...

...3 Kestrels and a Sparrowhawk. Around 50 Whooper Swans adorned the Reserve at various times with many commuting to and from the Farm opposite...

Sneaked my first Gadwall of the Year at extreme distance...

...and then saw 6 more almost immediately! The rain set in around two and I headed for home...

Year List 57

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