
Friday 9 December 2022

Time for a Breather

Still lucky people! Just not much to report and continuing car niggles. I called in at NDC on Tuesday on the way to my Mother's. The bridge at Bubwith was closed on my last visit if you recall, so I took the detour only to find it was open as I arrived. As I gathered my gear I could hear voices; a quick look revealed some volunteers repairing the GS Hide roof! Not my day.

After watching the Footy with my Football fanatic Mum (91) we'd planned to go for a pub lunch... until my car wouldn't start...once again. A new battery was supposed to have sorted it? After a chosen overnight wait the recovery mechanic eventually arrived and got her going. He informed me I had a faulty starter motor! Sorted now.

Birdy-wise...we've at least 4 Barn Owls around the Village...which is always special.  Not much else...then again, coverage is temporarily limited!

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