
Friday 16 December 2022


Finally had a "sesh" this morning after an enforced break due to...Life! The car thermometer registered -3 on departure and the road the Sewage was interesting! We set off South towards the Llama Farm; the sky was blue, the ground unsuprisingly rock hard (no muddy Buddy) and the air pure.

No sign of any Snow Buntings almost certainly due to the "cold snap". Viewing was difficult heading South due to the extremely low sun. Halfway back I noticed a bird over the water heading inland (IOS). I sorted the Lumix out just in time to grab a record shot...

Another was flushed by Bud shortly after...

I'd noticed some "Plovers" in the distance so I continued North to Intack through the harsh stubble...

Hidden from view were around 100 Golden Plovers. They gave themselves away eventually...

I also "had" around 50 mobile Lapwings, it's been a good year for them here. A couple of flushed Snipe added some interest. Plenty of Gulls on the sea but I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. A Glaucous would be's well overdue for the Village list. The conditions are definitely favourable?

A stroll down to the Cliff at dusk...

...revealed a few Waders being pushed closer by the incoming tide. Dunlin, Ringed Plover (3) and a Turnstone.

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