
Thursday 1 December 2022

Quality Siteings

See what I did there?!

Firstly Holmpton on Tuesday morning. Setting off down my lane and turning towards the sea (as you can imagine, I've done this countless times before) I pass a group of mature trees that have somewhat!

I always think Treecreeper. Yesterday...I was right...

A couple of record shots through the November gloom. Only my fourth for the Village.

Today I had a ride over to Duff as I needed some provisions (I've always liked Westerns) in Hull. Unfortunately Bubwith Bridge was closed which meant I arrived late and only had a couple of hours, as I wanted to get back for the Footy...of course!

As I parked the first sighting was trees full of Fieldfares (c300), feasting on the vast quantities of berries present. No doubt a few Redwings also. Unfortunately the mist was thick but the experience was sweet.

Setting up in the Geoff Smith Hide I was pleased to see the visibility was...OK. Plenty of water and therefore plenty of birds present. My favourite view, no doubt! I could sit here all day...and have done! Not today though. Huge numbers of Lapwings present, 2000 at least! Countless Wigeon and Teal with three figure numbers of the wonderful Pintail and Shoveler...

We always hope for something special though...don't we? Today it duly arrived in the form of a beautiful Great White Egret which flew in over the River from the East...

..., and thankfully alighted on the Carrs at c400yds distance. The bird was in pristine condition as it started preening on the water's edge...

A stately Species surveying its domain

It then made its way onto the grass for a short while...

...before flying back East (happy with this one considering the visibility)...

...and landing on the join a Grey Heron and a Little Egret. A trio I never thought I'd see together here...

A quality bird at a quality location...

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