
Sunday 27 November 2022

Local Specials

Back to "The Sewage"...and why not? Very Scenic!

Can you see it?

The bird was very tame but I kept my distance as it fed...

It was a clear sunny morning with little wind. We left the bird in peace and went South for our walk. Nothing else of note was seen. As I neared the car I wasn't surprised to see the SB still feeding in the same area. I had to pass it but as I did it started to walk towards me! Why not I thought...

The PFG are still lingering which is simply wonderful. This morning the whole flock (c1000) appeared to the South and flew over the Village. A magnificent sight...and sound!

Forgot to mention my Garden Tick. A Little Egret (81) flew past the front window while I was watching the World Cup. Dreamlando!

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