
Thursday 24 November 2022

Snow Buntings

I have to admit I've been prioritizing the World Cup on these dismal November days. However that doesn't mean I haven't been "out there"; after all my doggy needs walking!

The V70 seems OK now? So, I've been to the Sewage the last couple of mornings, first thing. Yesterday I headed South along the Clifftop through the thick mud. Almost immediately I saw a lose group of small birds overhead. Even through the gloom I could see plenty of white in the wing as they moved out onto the beach and landed...

4 of 5 Snow Buntings. Not a scenario I've seen very often

Unfortunately, or fortunately I guess, a Merlin flew through and I didn't see them again. The afternoon stroll was brightened up by this pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers at the end of my lane...

There was only one place to go this morning...back to the Sewage! Another grim November morning with diffuse light. Through the mud South once again! A couple of SB were feeding separately...

...but soon disappeared over the Cliff. I was walking into what light there was and couldn't pick them out. We walked to the Llama Farm with nothing of note seen. With the sun now trying to break through and behind me I was hoping for better views. As I approached the car I bent down to pick Buds ball up and there right by it was a Snow Bunting unobtrusively feeding and totally unconcerned by our presence!!

The next few minutes were truly special as I watched this little gem. A couple of shots...

Love this one...

A gentle species

I've said it before and I'll no doubt say it again...sooooooo fortunate to have this Species wintering locally! I'll be back...

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