
Monday 21 November 2022

Round up

Birthday boy yesterday. 21 again x3 plus 3! Time to receive my "well earned" Pension. I thought it was time to do a round up of pics to hopefully give a flavour of the season. Mist and mellow fruitfulness ...and all that...

We still have the PFG flock with us (c1000)...

8 Brent Geese in the first field North along the Cliff was a nice surprise...

The pair of Stonechats have returned to the Runnel...

A lone exhausted Fieldfare making first landfall and no doubt relieved...

Mid-afternoon yesterday I had a run down Snakey to charge my ailing car. It panned out well as a decent group of migrant Waders were present...

Curlew, one of 13.

Some of the 82 Lapwings present plus 5 Golden Plovers

This morning I had a stroll down Rysome Road to check out the Hawthorne's that still have plenty of berries. Still plenty of Blackbirds present (c100) and a few Fieldfares (c20) and Redwing (c10). No Waxwings though...yet!?

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