
Wednesday 2 November 2022

Rush Bird - Update

After much reflection I've decided on a "re-jig" of my Top Ten "moments". You've heard my reasoning for inclusion...more than once I fear! Anyway, my joint Top 3 remain unaltered, set in stone and will take some shifting! The YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO was a personal "Holy Grail" and an extremely difficult species to get time! The CLIFF SWALLOW moment at Spurn was electric. However, I HAD to find a place for my latest addition at No 6. The exquisite BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER ticked (excuse the pun) many boxes. A stunning American Wood Warbler (arguably the "most wanted"); an exciting chase; my favourite location...

Lists in left and right columns duly updated.

The TENGMALM'S OWL is demoted. A superb bird but on reflection, after a train and ferry trip, I guess it ain't no "Rush Bird"!

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