
Wednesday 2 November 2022

Back on Patch

First "sesh" back on the Patch this morning. I started early (for me), heading up Seaside Rd at 7.30. The first sighting of note was 2 young Deer crossing the road, which fortunately Bud didn't see! He wouldn't chase them anyway these days.

Next an unfamiliar screeching noise, high up. A quick check with the Trinnies revealed 2 Ring-necked Parakeets...of unknown they say! Almost certainly the Birds that have been roosting in the Village for quite some time now. I haven't been in any rush to see them but I'll take it. For the record, this somewhat plastic addition represents my 186th species for the Village. Full List in the tab above.

The forecast was for strong winds pm so I wanted to give it a few hours this morning in the extreme hope that a PALLID SWIFT might pass my way! Unsurprisingly it didn't...but I was ready! The extended run of Southerly winds has been amazing and is set to continue.  No sign of any late Easterlies unfortunately.

A pleasant (flat) walk with the Big Man included...

Red-throated Diver
Mediterranean Gull
Stonechat 2

A calmer brighter day forecast tomorrow and still a few PS further North, even into Scotland, so there's still hope. Plenty of Pink--footed Geese about and still a trickle of Whooper Swans South. Could be a good day...

4.08: The 2 RNP have just flown over the field opposite the Cottage. Home to roost!

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