
Saturday 5 November 2022


I think I've adjusted now from the sub-tropical SW to the rather fresher NE!

I was enjoying the 20/20 World Cup Cricket this morning (handily timed from Australia) when a message from Gavin alerted me to a potential Holmpton tick? He'd found a Purple Sandpiper at "the Sewage". I threw some clothes on and made good time to the site. Gavin was still present and returned to the car park when he saw me. He showed me the 2 Snow Buntings on the Clifftop but I have to admit my focus was on the PS. A couple of "rock-tappers" on the beach wasn't helping. 

I gave it an hour but there was no further sign of either species. A top find by Gavin. He also told me he'd "had" one in the car park puddles last Year! That's one (of many) great aspect of our brilliant pastime; you just never know. A species that wasn't on my radar.Yet another reminder that thorough checking of all habitat is good policy. 

The Old Sewage demolition is nearly complete now and was quite an undertaking. The workmen have been at it dawn till dusk and also at weekends. Hopefully they'll leave the bushes and maybe the old fence?

Nice Merlin S on Snakey yesterday.

Keep searching...

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