
Saturday 19 November 2022

Little Auk

Bit breezy this morning! The rain was clearing from the East so off we went. Still evidence of the Blackbird invasion with a dozen or so around the Paddock hedge.

We battled our way to the second Pill with nothing seen till...a Snow Bunting shot South. After a good chat with Gavin and his wife we started the return walk. Something caught my eye flying erratically along the beach. First thought was Dunlin...BUT it wasn't! was a Little Auk!!! (P.139, H.133). The tiny bird swirled along the beach fighting the strong SE wind,  an amazing and very welcome sight. I just managed to grab a record shot as it continued South...

BOC pic...

Plenty seen up and down the Coast today...but this one was mine! Only my second record and I can safely say my best view. The PFG flock is remaining faithful to the area, although mobile and I had another Barn Owl on Snakey at dusk but the day belonged to the Little Auk.

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