
Tuesday 8 November 2022


The timing was right for a good walk on the beach yesterday morning. Low tide, no rain and light winds. We set off at 9 and walked North to the Runnel. A couple of young Deer trying to hide on Seaside Road was a good start...

On the way a notable flock of 32 Ringed Plovers were resting on the beach plus 3 Turnstones. During the entire three hour walk I estimated at least 80 birds present...

Low tide obviously gives the best chance of "catching" some Waders. Gavin's recent Purple Sandpiper was also motivational! I reached the Runnel and could immediately see the two Stonechats that have been present there for quite some time...

Bud was like a pup covering large areas of the Beach. He'll only go where he wants to these days! No PS but a couple of Redshank were definitely noteworthy. Here's one of them

The weather here remains remarkably mild with continuing Southerly winds, which certainly helps with the heating costs!

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