
Monday 10 October 2022

Whooper hoping?

I spent a couple of hours on Snakey on the "pathline" failed to produce a repeat of yesterday's sighting. Alas it wasn't to be but a personal record of Golden Plover (c200) circling high was very pleasing...

West towards Patrington

We then walked the Runnel to the Sea. On arriving the first bird I saw was a RTD, extremely close in along the tideline. It soon became apparent that there was a Wildfowl movement. A conservative estimate was c200 Teal and c150 Wigeon. A spectacle in Holmpton terms!! Small groups were actually in the pools on the beach, something I'd never seen before. A nice moment. Maybe I'll find something else present when I look through my pics?

Whilst grabbing some lunch at Couplands (a rare treat) in With' I received a significant message...

11.22 MEGA Kent YELLOW-BROWED BUNTING Sandwich Bay trapped and Ringed

I hadn't got my Latte yet! Initial thoughts...

  • Nearly midday - dusk 6.15
  • ETA - with luck 5.30
  • Traffic
  • Bud
  • Contact the Boss etc
  • Crackers...I know!
I HAD to try, at least initially. I cut through to Saltend grabbed some Diesel and onto the M62 - M18. No further news by Doncaster coupled with a message on Google Maps indicating an accident on the M11 meant an aborted mission.The bird wasn't seen again, which was a strange relief?

This Species brought back memories from know how us Birders/Twitchers are? One was found on St Agnes, IOS (surely not Scilly again?). I was walking around B&Q in York 
on October 19th with my two young sons. It was Half-Term so I was "free"...but far from it! It was twitchable (4 days) BUT it wasn't possible for a responsible Dad (polishes Halo).

Worth keeping an eye out for tomorrow I feel...

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