
Wednesday 12 October 2022

Twitching Perspectives

We're well into the "Magic Month" now and as always, it doesn't disappoint. I guess that depends on whether you've dipped or not...and under what circumstances...if you get my drift! 

Two examples...

1. A COMMON NIGHTHAWK sat on a garden fence on an estate. A TOP Bird and the first twitchable record for 23 Years. An "easy" connection, if you could make it on the day BUT dare I say, less than a thrilling experience!? 

2. A LEAST BITTERN was sensationally found on Mainland Shetland mid-afternoon last Friday!!! A First for Britain no less. If you were within an hour or so you had a "gripping" Tick. Alas, the bird was moribund and passed overnight which eliminated the "tickability" debate...IF it recovered and was released. Again a tick...BUT...a pitiful sight 

A few personal reflections on these records and Twitching in general, as I drift into the Seniors category (OAP next month).

OK. A Tick is a Tick...genius eh? They're all one etc etc. They are but the circumstances of connection and quality of Bird can vary dramatically. A personal opinion as always...not wishing to offend of course. I suggest a NIGHTHAWK appearing over Bryher at dusk is slightly more exhilarating than one sat on a fence! I'm no hypocrite (I like to think) so I'll admit here and now I'd have been down to Wantage in a shot, if I hadn't seen the Bryher bird!! The LB is more straightforward. It breaks, you go...quickly...if you're on the Islands of course! You wouldn't be aware of its condition on route. Obviously a huge blow if you didn't make it before it was rightly, taken into care. I also hear some had booked flights as soon as the news broke!

As you know I don't DO on-line debate. There's simply no point IMHO as someone will always have a counter viewpoint and playing "comment tennis" isn't my style. We all know the vitriol that can be found on unsocial media...right? 

Shetland v Scilly...I've shared my views on this subject before. It seems it's "cool" to head North these days. That's fine by me as I'll have more room and more chance to "find my own" on Scilly. I'll also experience less wind and rain...a recurring theme on reports "up North". I also won't need a car and therefore will have more Birding time and less costs. Scilly is also a spectacularly beautiful place to BOTH get "good birds" but the "Scilly has had it's day" line just doesn't wash for me. In the past 4 years I've seen HERMIT THRUSH, YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO and INDIGO BUNTING.

I prefer my air my views from my comfy "Fraiser-like armchair" Blog and I am VERY grateful for the following I have, whether you agree with me or not lol! 

There have been some controversial reports coming out of Shetland, especially regarding the LANCEOLATED WARBLER twitch...a Species I still haven't seen in Britain. Guess what...if a MEGA turns up it's going to attract a large crowd in most circumstances. Mainland Britain, Shetland and Scilly for sure. More remote Islands obviously less so e.g. Fair Isle, North Ron. The behaviour at these gatherings can be variable to put it politely. Again, not to be a hypocrite I had an unfortunate incident may recall? I was provoked lol! A "mouse-bird" Species is almost always VERY difficult to see...unless trapped of course, which is going to lead to let's say...problems. There is no bottom line here. Most twitchers behave but alas some don' in any walk of life. This isn't ground breaking stuff I know, just a Summary. One thing IS for sure, now everyone has a camera/video NOTHING will escape the attention of the masses. 

My personal viewpoint has definitely changed over the Years and nowadays I'm looking for a quality experience. As you know I've pushed myself many times in pursuit of a MEGA and I'm not saying a wouldn't do it again, BUT, I prefer to park myself somewhere these days and see if I can FIND something decent. I'll also hope something special turns up (don't we all?)...where I am?

We drive down tomorrow and we'll be on the first plane over Friday morning for 14 days. My dream would be to find an American Wood Warbler, preferably one I haven't seen in Britain. NORTHERN PARULA would be my choice. I'm not asking for much!!! I just thought by mentioning might help?

I'll be doing a report of my Trip which you may or may not want to follow. Hope your October goes well for you...

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