
Sunday 9 October 2022

Glorious Whooper Swans!

Something to last! I awoke around 8 and checked my you do these days! A message from the Withernsea Birders informed me a wedge of Whooper Swans had passed South over the Golf Course. Snooze and lose. There'd been several reports locally over the past few days and I'd intended and obviously failed to arise at dawn.

I got dressed and headed for the Cliff. Our Siamese cat Smokey joined us for our walk...

We reached the first Pill Box and waited...and waited. The lads were very patient! Another message from Jayne...15 Whooper Swans (P.131, H.122) South along the Old Railway. I started to scan...and scan. There they were!!! Distant and heading inland towards Patrington BUT still extremely noteworthy.

Only my fourth sighting for Holmpton and brought back memories of the 15 I had over Tesco car park 22/10/18. More here

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