
Wednesday 12 October 2022

Expectation Levels

You make your choice and hope the Birding Gods smile on you that memorable sighting. Like Life, there is no justice. You can work hard and search intensively for little or no reward. Locations are all relative...Coast better than Inland, Island better than Mainland. It's only natural that hopes are higher when you venture to your chosen location. Again, best to keep a nice balance, although this is easier said then done at a prime sight!

Another example today when a mid-afternoon message came through...

14.52 MEGA Pembrokes TENNESSEE WARBLER Skokholm at Farm at 2.50

You may recall, I didn't twitch the Yell bird because of Covid...and rightly so! I won't be trying for this one either as it would be "beyond the pale" regarding our trip as we travel down to Penzance tomorrow. Louise's attitude is more than generous regarding my Twitching BUT there are limits...believe it or not. That's 2 in 3 Years...there'll be another.  I don't know...I'll never get in the Champions League!!

Controversy on Scilly today as a bird initially thought to be a TWO-BARRED GREENISH WARBLER has been re-identified as a Yellow-browed Warbler. Can be tricky this ID game, as I've found out! How many were happy it was the former? The power of suggestion and all that...again.

That's it till Friday night when I'll do my first report...hopefully. Thick Fog at Land's End today and no flights!!!

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