
Thursday 27 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 14

I HAD to go back, Call it obsession, call it homage, call it what you like...this is one of THE Iconic records in British Birding...period!!!

Having been found (not necessarily arrived) 2 weeks ago, everyone who wished to see this Bird has had ample time to connect. This should in no way diminish the Status of this record; definitely one to be savoured...and some.

Initially I was undecided on today's plan, hoping to maybe do a Bryher/Tresco double but the low afternoon tide put paid to that. I'd even considered a return to St Agnes, so Louise could have her Turks Head visit. Anyway, all things considered we boarded the Guiding Star at 10 for Bryher...

It was to return at 3 so we had a decent time window. It was good to see Andy Holden, his wife Vicky and their young girl on the boat. They obviously had the same plan! On arrival we made the climb, then the descent to the now familiar Popplestone Fields. We helped guide a small group of Birders in the right direction. On arrival Louise made the traditional reading stake out...

...and I went to search for the Jewel with around a dozen others...yes a dozen!!!

Between 10.45 and Noon all rides were thoroughly searched but there was no sign of the BLACKBURNIAN WARBLERWe made our way back up the hill to the Post Office for a bite to eat...

Louise then headed for sheltered side of the Island and I returned to "the fields". On my way down I passed a couple who were interested in the Bird. They'd seen the news but wanted to know more about it. I hope I helped? Andy and family had also returned but there was no-one else? It was almost surreal. It was now gone 1, so we still had a "good hour". Then Andy appeared and told me "it's showing"! I was surprised and elated in equal measure. I could see Vicky pointing in the next field. I joined her...and there it was! 

The favoured area...

The next half an hour or so was truly sublime as THREE Birders enjoyed "crippling views of arguably the "most wanted" of ALL American Warblers. A few others later returned and also thankfully connected. This BIRD was far more then just a Tick, it was an occasion to be savoured in exceptionally relaxed conditions. My ideal scenario, just like the VARIED THRUSH last Year but even more so, as I'd travelled slightly less distance!

The bird exhibited its usual slow but steady feeding routine through the vegetation. Teasing my attempts to obtain a photo. Eventually with Andy and Vicky's help I managed to rattle a few off...

An early peep...

Birds do have expressions...

He's fed well. Safe travels little Jewel...

Trip List...Who cares!

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