
Wednesday 26 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 13

We decided to visit the North of St Mary's today as Louise hadn't been "up here" yet. An early "ordinary" Swallow was a nice start over Porthmellon beach but I couldn't find a Black Redstart on Porthloo...

...However, I did see a Mediterranean Gull

We were passing Juliet's Garden so I'm afraid a coffee was in order...

It was a tad breezy but we found a sheltered spot and enjoyed the spectacular view once again. We had the place to ourselves. The inter-island boats were leaving in the distance.

We continued up to Telegraph were Louise found a spot to read and I birded the area for an hour or so. She had company...

I soon located a flock of Fieldfares feeding in the bulb fields. I thought there might be something else with them? A thorough check revealed a single Redwing...

...but not the hoped for Ring Ouzel or maybe Mistle Thrush. I did manage some decent shots of the Fieldfares though despite the almost constant presence of a Sparrowhawk and a brief pass by a Merlin. Initially I was "against" the light...

Fortunately there was another road at right angles which allowed me to stand with the sun at my back. I just needed the birds to co-operate. They're an extremely alert species so I positioned myself at the field edge behind Pittosporum saplings...

Another pass by the Sparrowhawk flushed the flock but this time they landed right in front of me. My tribute to this fabulous "Winter Thrush"...

After picking the boss up I checked out the Golf Course but there wasn't a bird to be seen. Nice views again though...

We continued East down Pungies Lane to Trenoweth but the area I wanted to check out was closed? Then a message, yep, Buff-bellied Pipit found by Viv Stratton near Carn Vean cafe. The very area I had searched intensively yesterday. We marched on...well I did, Louise sensibly headed for Longstones for Lunch! On per usual, there was no sign of the Bird. My 4th dip. I covered the fields again to Normandy corner and back but no joy. I did have distant but far from satisfactory views of the/a Woodlark.  I also found another cracking Ring Ouzel...

I eventually decided to drop down on an unfamiliar and overgrown trial to Porth Hellick....

I know this field? It was the location of my HERMIT THRUSH sighting in 2019. Happy days!

As I entered the Stephen Sussex Hide, John Hewitt from Spurn was sat there along with Viv Stratton. He'd travelled down for the WILSON'S SNIPE. I squeezed in between them and enjoyed some quality conversation before leaving as others arrived. It was good to see them both. I did add Jack SnipeMoorhen and Coot!

As I was walking back to Town I bumped into the good lady and we completed the walk together. She went on the front to read and I finished off back on the Garrison hoping for better views of the Red-rumped Swallow which was once again lingering around the Harbour area. On the way I bumped into Tim Jones! Yet another Yorkshire Birder on Scilly. Again, it was great to see him, we had a decent chat and went our seperate ways. Maybe another Scilly regular in the making?

It was reported as feeding below the Tregarthan Hotel. I could immediately see the bird with c10 Barn Swallows but the speed of the bird made it impossible for me to obtain a pic. I decided to make the climb to Newman House on the Garrison as it had been seen on wires there earlier in the afternoon. I could see the birds below me but they didn't come near the wires. then a message...the RRS had perched briefly on a window ledge at the Hotel before flying off!!! That's the way it goes.

I finished my day walking back along Porthcressa "prom" taking in the last of the light and enjoying the high tide waves and fresh air. The 1w Common Gull was still patrolling the beach for its 3rd day. I've yet to see it land!

Trip Total 83

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