
Friday 28 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 15

Brief one tonight as it was leaving day. After packing it was time for a Sausage sarny at Kavorna. Highly recommended!

We then made our way up to Carreg Dhu Gardens where Louise read...

...and I successfully looked for and found a Firecrest. I had one right above my head but it was too quick for a pic.

We passed Longstones (which wasn't easy) and made our way up to the Carn Vean area. Yep, a final attempt for the ABBP. Half-a-dozen Birders were present including John Hewitt. After a chat I continued to Normandy corner. As I scanned the birds present a Sparrowhawk flushed everything... again! 

On return John was the only one left scanning the said field. Still no sign of the "Pipit". After wishing him a safe journey (he was leaving on the Scillonian later) I dropped back into Holy Vale to meet Louise at Longstones for lunch. Of course...a message... ABBP in field opposite Newford Duck Pond!!!

I HAD to try. I got there in 10 minutes but it had gone, yet again. It was see again briefly in flight at Helvier by John but I'd frankly had enough by then. I went for my traditional Cream Tea finish to the holiday...


Another great trip. Full summary on return home.

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