
Saturday 16 July 2022

Hints of Change

Just hints mind you!

The Farmers have started to mobilize and some fields are now ploughed enabling birds to alight and yours truly to view them. YesterdayI left home early as I was heading over to Lancs to visit "me Mum". As I made my way along Snakey a tractor was tilling a field and was attracting a decent flock of Gulls.

I wonder?

A superb adult in sp. Unfortunately the Tractor started up again and the flock obviously followed but not before I managed another...

After discussions with "Management" due to the current horrendous economic climate we'll be going to Cyprus for our Spring break next Year and I'm more than happy to do so. As you know I had a great Texas Trip this Year so a return to Cyprus will be just the ticket and another "round up reminisce".  We'll be going a week later than previous visits to hopefully "catch" a few later Migrants. Based in Paphos we'll be able to explore the whole Island with nowhere more than 2 hours away...unlike Texas!

It'll also be good to catch up with some of the Islands resident Birders as well as annual visitors. Much more...much later!

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