
Wednesday 13 July 2022


Took the Boss  North to Bempton on Monday...early. We left the Cottage at 6.30 (couldn't suggest anything earlier on her day off!) and arrived at Bempton around 8 after the mandatory McDonald's breakfast in Brid'. The BBA had roosted on the Cliff the previous evening and no there were no reports of an early departure. We sarted to walk to Staple Nook with our lad when we bumped into Trevor (Charlton) the finder of "The Shrike"...full story here. Thanks for the mention pal. After a quick chat we continued, as time was of the essence.

It was a superb summer morning with sunshine and a gentle breeze. As we approached SN I was pleased to see there were only around 10 people at the viewpoint. Louise hadn't seen the Albatross so I was hoping we'd be lucky. We weren't, as we were greeted with the news that it had been on the water but had been flushed by a boat (not many boats around here) and flown out to sea!

Louise was as philosophical as ever but I have to admit I was gutted for her after making the effort. We decided to take Buddy a walk North to the far end of the reserve, stopping off at the other viewpoints to show her some of the Species present and their young...

Around 11 there was a report that Albert had returned and of course we were at the wrong end of the reserve. We marched back to SN only to find a group of puzzled faces when I asked if he was present? Turns out the report was..."erroneous"!! It just wasn't to be and we left at Noon as the crowds gathered and the temperature rose. A great place to be regardless, on a Summers morning. She said she was willing to have another crack, so were not beaten yet.

Locally were being woken by a pair of Herring Gulls that have taken a liking to our Chimney. They had a half-hearted attempt to build a nest but there's not enough room...

This morning I had a ride down to Skeffling. I was going to walk to Welwick to check out the progress on the Coastal re-alignment but the grass was too long. Plenty of JCB's "at it" in the distance though. Highlight was around 100 Swallows lingering by the sluice...

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