
Tuesday 19 July 2022


At last...some movement! 

There was only one place to be on the hottest day of the Year...the Beach with "ma boy"...

A merciful breeze kept us at a pleasant temperature as we walked North. Bud was cooled even more by a series of swims. Still going strong into his twelfth year...thankfully. I nearly joined him! Passed a few bits on the way. Singing Skylarks and Meadow Pipits, a sprinkling of Sand Martins and Swallows also. 

Some Terns...Sandwich? No, Common, half-a-dozen fishing close inshore. Excellent! The gentle South-Easterly didn't promise much BUT...some Dunlin, (H.95, P.108) three groups, totaling 25 birds South. Then, 5 Curlew followed by 6 Sanderling. Then the icing on the cake in the form of 14 Black-tailed Godwits (H.96, P.108) powering South 200yds offshore. A definite rush of adrenaline and interest was experienced! Especially when another adult Med' Gull appeared...

Amazingly it flew towards me and landed on the Beach...

Also present was an adult LBB Gull with a juvenile in tow...

Head shape

As we all know, there ARE quiet times during the Birding Year...depending on your movements, circumstances and finances of course. The advent of Wader movement gives a boost to Birding here at Holmpton, as little lingers in our limited habitat. However, I can watch it all pass by!

The Sea has many hidden treasures. It just needs patience.

On the return it was great to see a family (possibly two) of Yellow Wagtails briefly through the heat haze by the pea field...


A couple of MEGA records in California lately. A GREY-TAILED TATTLER in San Diego Bay. A second for California and a first for San Diego County. Also a GUADALUPE MURRELET was found by Birding Pal Gary Nunn 20 miles offshore from Point Loma, San Diego County.

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