
Friday 22 July 2022

BWS - Rare Breeder

I finally made the pilgrimage to Potteric Carr YWT Reserve yesterday morning. Trying to maintain my mantra of selecting certain species to view again I left home at 6 to beat the Hull traffic. After a couple of minor hitches which I won't bore you with I was on the M18 and heading SW towards Doncaster.

PC is a reserve I haven't been to often. I went there many moons ago to see the "exciting" IBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF! I arrived just after 9 and was surprised and disappointed to see so many cars already present. Anyway, I got my map and started the long trek to Piper Marsh Hide...and I mean LONG! The reserve is mature now with thick cover on the trails which means viewing is limited, very limited. I eventually made it to the Hide after a good 30 minute walk. As I entered the Hide I was pleased to see a familiar face in the form of John Harriman. I've known John since 1986 when I first started Birding. I was living in Scawby near Scunny and I met him at Messingham Sand Quarry, when he entered the hide mentioning he'd just seen a GSW. Strange what you remember!

He informed me all 6 birds were present and they'd all been together some 5 minutes previous. Of course, they were scattered and distant now. I settled in next to him, as the hide fortunately wasn't crowded? I enjoyed a pleasant hour watching the Stilts and chatting (quietly of course) with John before the crowds gathered and I left. I won't be returning in a hurry...unless?

A juvenile in the shadows...

An Adult doing what Stilts do...

A few more...

A few observations...

  • The Adults were (understandably) VERY aggressive to the other birds present including Green Sandpiper (my FOY), Lapwing and Little Egret.
  • All 6 birds were very mobile.
  • They landed and stayed on one leg on numerous occasions
  • Unfortunately they never came and fed in front of the Hide during my visit, which they apparently did on a regular basis!

Going to see this Species brought back memories of my best (joint) find (3 birds) at Wheldrake Ings in May 1993. I have mentioned this before but worth another I thought!

On my return I was hoping for news of the Cranes at Blacktoft Sands. There wasn't any as I approached the Humber Bridge...then there was! I U-turned and headed for BS. Definitely worth a look...hopefully. As I entered Singleton Hide I was pleased to see some spaces on the benches. I settled in and scanned. Big Birds Cranes!! No sign. I whispered a question to the bloke next to me. He informed me they'd just flown off towards Aldbrough!!! Oh dear, I thought.

That's Birding...

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