
Sunday 24 July 2022

Bringing in the Sheaves

A memory from watching "How the West was Won" as a lad! Brilliant Film.

It's that time of Year. Harvest time. Removal of crops means better viewing and more habitat attractive to Birds.  Yesterday mornings jaunt North along the Cliff failed to locate any Little Gulls. A three figure flock had been seen at the Sewage by Gavin earlier. I did see my first returning (heavily moulting) Whimbrel (P.109, H.97) though...

Mid-afternoon I had a drive around the local lanes looking for Gulls... and anything else for that matter. I lovely male Marsh Harrier on Snakey was pleasing. Around 20 LBB Gulls were seen...

The main attraction though was the Mediterranean Gulls. A conservative estimate would be 30 birds in different groups. One held 10 birds in a mixed flock of 60! There were a decent number of Common around also.

One front centre

A few images...

Dapper birds...

Passing Intack on the way to Tesco I had a scan at the House Martin colony based here...

I was amazed and pleased to discover c100 birds feeding over and around the house. Great news. Must be a good breeding season for many Species with the favourable weather this Year.

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