
Wednesday 27 July 2022

Waiting for a Crane

You may...or may not remember my dip on Friday on my way back from Potteric Carr? Anyway, on Monday I returned to Blacktoft and gave it 4 hours in Singleton Hide (10 - 2). People came and went but the Hide was never full...just in case you were wondering! Alas, the BIG ones never appeared although there was plenty on offer to enjoy.

Yesterday morning Louise informed me she'd had some cancellations, so I suggested a morning Blacktoft! Could it be third time lucky? The Cranes have been commuting between here and Alkborough Flats but with no real pattern, which increased the "fun"?

The reserve was very quiet on arrival, we gathered our stuff and headed for Singleton Hide. After finding a bench we started to scan. There they were...TIMING...

My perseverance had paid off. I was really pleased that they were there for Louise. We set the scope up and enjoyed prolonged, if distant views of the 4 stars. Three adults and one "sub". Another addition to my "Quality Birds for the Year" List...which I don't have!

Other notable species present were...

Wood Sandpiper...

Spotted Redshank (7) ...

Bearded Tit (10) ...

Black-tailed Godwit c150...

Little Egret (c50)...

The Stately Stars were the main attraction though...

Just before we left Geoff Dobbs and Gary Dayes entered the hide. It was great to see them both. The Cranes were on show immediately for them. That's Birding!

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