
Thursday 23 June 2022

Breeding Bee-eaters

Who'd' have thought it?

It brought back memories of my delayed trip to Bishop Middleham Quarrin 2002 (yes, TWENTY years ago). I went the day AFTER they fledged!! I was working then...still, no excuse.

My four-legged friend and I left home at 6.30am arriving at Trimingham at Noon. A long haul through the narrow Norfolk byways. Somehow seeming longer as the Years go by? No matter we were here and after a couple of minor problem when I firstly ended up in a Caravan Park, then took a lane at the rear of the quarry (revealing necessary CCTV and barrier tape) we found the designated field set up by the RSPB...

Looking back towards the car park

The weather was superb and a gentle cooling breeze off the sea definitely helped (22C). I could see a couple of the Birds on wires over the Quarry as I got out of the car. We found a suitable position with some shade and waited. There were around 100 people present but there was plenty of room...

The Quarry

The birds were using wires to hunt from some 100 yards away...

Everyone was hoping for better views but the Birds stayed faithful to the Quarry through out my 3.5 hour visit. However, I enjoyed great flight views and lovely scope views in the glorious sunshine (although the heat haze was an issue). I even had a fiddle with my phone-scope device...


Fluked a dodgy flight shot...

Remarkable with phone at that distance...for me?

A couple with the Camera...

Perched on a bush by the Nest Hole

Entering the Nest Hole

Glad I went but have to admit to being slightly disappointed with the views. No matter, as long as the birds are safe and undisturbed, that's all that matters.

A bonus on the return as I came across a Little Owl on Snakey Lane at 9.45pm...

A quick play with my settings produced something with a tad more detail...

Technology never ceases to amaze!

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