
Tuesday 21 June 2022

Padley Gorge

That's where we went Yesterday morning...early. We left just after 6 to get through Hull  and after a McDonald's Breakfast we were soon on the M18 and heading for the "other side" of Sheffield. We arrived at the car park at 8.45. Now then; I was aware that I was a bit "late" in the Year having only just become aware of this Site BUT I was curious to explore the Gorge. It didn't disappoint...regarding the scenery that is. Bird wise it was ...quiet. Some views...

A fabulous Ancient Woodland.

We only had a couple of Hours as Louise had a Doctors appointment mid-afternoon but we had time to stroll the length of the Gorge (c 1 mile) and return. The Gorge is very shaded and I have to admit the time we had made it  slightly hurried although "the Boss" was as patient as ever...

The Birds...

Great Spotted Woodpecker
Nuthatch c5
Treecreeper c12 (including 2 family groups)
Mistle Thrush
Grey Wagtail
Spotted Flycatcher...

A distant glimpse

Pied Flycatcher

No luck with Wood Warbler or Redstart...which was disappointing but unsurprising. I'll go earlier next Year! We got back to the car for Noon and headed the short distance to the Pub for a well earned Lunch...

Thoroughly recommended

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