
Saturday 25 June 2022


Spent a pleasant, if quiet 3 hours at Duff yesterday, as I had a few things to do in York. Bit of a jungle at the moment but that's OK, as the Breeding Birds get on with their business undisturbed. The Scrape is lush with few bare areas...

...but there was some interest on the water and surrounds. A Sedge Warbler was typically active and noisy...

Coot and Moorhen had young BUT the real surprise was a pair of Little Grebes with four young...

Positive news!

No repeat of my previous visits Hobby sighting but 3 Little Egrets weren't to be sniffed at...and NEVER to be taken for granted. 20 Species seen.

After a trip to the Garden Centre I "lucked in" on this Red Kite floating over the road near North Cave. Bonus...

My Postman gave me the good news that he'd seen another Little Owl by the Bunker on Rysome Road. Nice!

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